Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving in Utah and the after math.......

First of all, before Thanksgiving, Travis and Megan came down to Turlock. It was a short short visit, but we had fun. Then they went to Megans family and we took off for SLC. That was a short

short visit too. It was nice to be able to see all 4 of my kids in a one week period. So Very Nice.........I miss when I can't have all my kids together.

(Ivy playing in the yard)

One day was spent in the hospital with my mom. She's going down hill fast.....I felt extreme guilt and remorse I am not there more for her........but that's a whole blog in my head.

Baby Ryder was blessed and Chris did a fine job with that

"Sister's.......Sister's.....there were never more devoted Sisters"

Just a few radom pictures.


ramsudd3 said...

fun pictures Kris also about the Cake Jen made I do not know if she used a garlic press but the meat balls and sauce is what I was wondering if anyone knew what she used. Take another guess. Cute family Love to all, Nan

Tony and Traci said...

Where is the pictures of Me!!! -Tony