#1 This is the LDS Tabernacle in Honolulu. It was a really cool. They hold regular church service there.....it was built in like the last 40's
#2 My mom with Carter and Weston.........I lost all the ones of her with Mitchell cause of my regular camera getting lost....She was really happy to see them. And this was a pretty good picture of her.
#3 This cracked me up......Again, this is on my cell phone so it's not that great of a picture. When Dad and I had gone to Hilary's house, the first time I went to the bathroom I had noticed this little face on the door knob........it had pretty much worn off by the time I took this. Westons, little mind is so creative.......who would of thunk that when you turn the knob to lock, it looked like a face? In real life, it really did. I laugh everytime I think about it.